Ai Emma: kimono
Ai Emma: uniform
Ai Emma: Jigoku Shojo form
Ai became Hell Girl by her own act of vengeance on
the villagers, who sentenced her to a sacrificial death as part of their
village's tradition, burning it to theground. Her task of fulfilling other
people's vengeance and ferrying people to Hell is her punishment.
Max Health
Attack Speed
Base Damage
Move Speed
Attack range: 600
Stats growth :
Max Health
Base damage
Attack speed
Cinematic: her main projectile should be a black version of the war3 fireball that Jaina uses The flames from her abilities don't affect Ai
Default skill : Shadow [Active] No physical dmg.
Ai becomes one ethereal immune to physical damage dogging or deflecting low level spells.She moves like a shadow throw the world.
Duration 8 s
Cooldown 16s
15% chance to doge or deflect
Dose not protect against ultimates.
Can be canceld.
Fast movement.
Instant dispell and stun if Ai is hit by a spell.
Deflect: Ai takes no dmg, antibody else hit bt the deflected spell does.
Can be dispelled.
Can be canceled by user.
If dispelled by a non dmg ability (ex. Dispel) stun dose not occur.
Canceled:like any war 3 spell that changes the users form ex Corporeal Form, Bear Form, Robo-Goblin
Movement: by telephoning every 0.7 over a max distance of 60 and moving normally between teleports
Only projectile (Shockwave) and beam spells (divine buster) can be deflected (sent in a random direction away from Ai) a deflected spell damages enemies and alies (including it's original caster). If a beam spell is deflected a shield appears around Ai and she stops for the duration of the spell(If the effect of shadow expires ore a different ability connects the deflected beam returns to normal.while deflecting a beam the chance to deflect other spells rises by 5% and should a spell connect Ai in stun fore 1.2s is steed of 0.7s and the ability dispels. Deflect takes precedent over doge. All non ultimate spells can be dogged. If a spell in dogged Ai has a 0.6s immunity from that spell if it has a continued effect(burn dps, beam etc). Spells that cant be deflected have a 25% doge chance Stun dose not happen when the ability in canceled ore the duration expires. Cinematic: basic war3 banish/Spirit Form effect on ai when active. Ai blasts the area whit hellfire.A dark pillar remains in the center summoning the wheel of judgement. Detailed Formula explanation. #1
Initial blast ATK*2*SKILL_LVL damage
1/2*ATK pillar H dps
1/4*Atk Low dps
ATK*SKILL_LvL contract with the wheal
Target: Ground
Casting range 750
Aoe 600
Cooldown 14/16/18/20/22s
#2 1/2*ATK pillar H dps: central fire pillar left by the initial blast.
#3 1/4*ATK Low dps: dps done by the spreading fire that create the wheal.
#4 ATK*SKILL_LvL contract with any part of the fully formed the wheal.
Let's begin
Important: The numbers are an average of 8 lvl 10 Insane Ai heroes that I observed there hp where 6 to 7k.
Also I whill use these numbers in all my formulas: ATK=180, AS=15, 1 to 4 skill_lvl=4, ultimate lvl 1
#1 1440 damage: when the projectile hits the ground.
#2 90 pillar H dps: central fire pillar left by the initial blast.
#3 45 Low dps: dps done by the spreading fire that create the wheal.
#4 720 contract with any part of the fully formed the wheal.
AOE spell
Does spell damage .
High dps in center, low dps by fire.
Creates a ball of black fire and lunches it at a location doing A pillar of fire remains The wheel becomes solid and spins (doing 1.5 rotations,) and then the pillar explodes stunning every enemy in the area for 2s (they have 8s to get out so anyone still in the area deserves a good stunning The wheel spins fore 2s increasing in speed and then explodes.(Cinematic I suggest black versions of the war3 Red Dragon missile attack fore the main missal, trap and small fire fore the pillar and fire and some walls fore the weal (unless you have something better) Projectile speed is 750.
damage.When the ball explodes
flames start going outward from the pillar at 3,6,9 and 12 o'clock towards
the edge of the 600 area add once they reach a fire wheal is
created (flames come out from the points (3,6,9 and 12) forming the
rim,the wheel is ethereal so it passes throw enemies damaging them) the
with of the flames is 10 and they do burn low dps.
The formation of the wheel takes 6s: 3s fore the fire to reach the rims(travel 550 distance) 2.5s to create the rim ant 0.5 so solidify(the flame turns into a material that resembles Slightly chard wood or volcanic rock whit smoke coming out of it).
2nd skill : Wanyudo Chariot [Active]Wanyudo comes aid Ai in his chariot form smashing all enemies aside Leaving a trail of fire.Should Ai be below 50% hp he will circle around her. #1
(ATK+AS)*SKILL_LvL*1.5 dmg
stun 1/3*SKILL_LvL
AS*SKILL_LvL*2 dps
Cast time 1.2s
Cooldown 35s
Target: Ground (it's cast like shockwave)
Casting range 1000
Projectile range 1200
AOE 200
Cast time 1.2s
Cooldown 35s
Detailed Formula explanation:
#2 stun 1/3*SKILL_LvL: direct hit by chariot
#3 AS*SKILL_LvL*1.5 dps: dps dome bt the chariot's flame trail
#1 1170 damage: direct hit by chariot
#2 stun 1.33: direct hit by chariot
#3 90 L dps: dps dome bt the chariot's flame trail
Tooltips:Can't be interrupted
Does spell damage.
Missile spell.
Wanyudo accelerates from 0 to 700 over 1.2s if Ai has over 50% HP and 0 to 900 over 1.8s is her hp is below 50%.The AOE is like that of a Shockwave but when a enemies is hit it is also thrown back away from the chariot(and it's flame trail). The flame trail consists of 2 trails one from each weal whit a with of 5 and each flame lasts fore 3s.After the ride
As casting begins a red fiery orb spears above AI slowly growing.After 1.2s it turns into a chariot and if Ai's HP is above 50% he moves forward accelerating rapidly,If Ai's Hp is below(or equal to) 50% he will circle once around Ai at a distance of 300 from her then continuing on his way as if she had over 50% hp.
3rd skill : Jigoku Shojo form [Active, Buff] In this form the power of hell flows throw her making her faster.She has a 10% chance cause hellish visions. Level 2: Duration 18s Level 3: Duration 21s Level 4: Duration 24s Level 5: Duration 28s
Attack speed +(AS*2)%
Only one vision may happen at a time.
Level 1: Duration 15s
Cooldown : 35//37/40/43/47s
(for this explenaton only attack speed is not the sama as AS)[b]Whell let's say that the number that represents a character's attack speed(the one depended on the AS stat) is 100 and as is 15. then your attack speed becomes 130
Detailed Formula explanation: (and example)
After a effect happens at least 1.5s must pass until the nest can happen,the priority of the effects should be random
Only one effect may happen at a time.
The effects have a 15% chance each
(this doesn't mean a 55 of 100 chance of something happening it means 55 to 400)
Her attacks have a chance to do one of 4 effects: #1 A hole #2 the hit enemy in knocked back over a distance #3 Lifesteal equal to ATK points over 1s #4 All enemies in a 300 area around the main arget ar teleported 3 times in random locations in a 400 area around the main target in a 2s interval (the teleports happen when it hits,after 1s and after 2s). Dose not interrupt casting. (Cinematic: Red blink effect on target and mist effect in aoe)
formed on the ground swaloing enemies fore 1s(Enemies whil slowly slip
into the hole unless they escape, Cinematic A hole 100 deep whit black
wals and a rim ao war3 smoke,the creation and disipation of the hole
should take 0.1s each)
of 200(over 0.5s) if the enemy hits a wall(or some other inanimate object) it is stun fore 0.5s(Cinematic dust at the base of the target,warstomp and the death animation of the hit enemy is played if a wall is hit)
aura around Ai and target, bleed effect(red blood preferred) on target).
Ultimate : Ippen... shinde miru? [Active] (cast range 650) Jigoku Shojo rises above the area unleashes her true power with 3 massive blasts slowing all units in it fore 3s all life is extinguished.The area is marked and all hows ho died there go to hell.
1st blast=ATK*7*SKILL_LEVEL dmg
2nd blast=ATK*9*SKILL_LEVEL dmg movement speed -30%
3rd blast=13*ATK dmg
Mark dps=ATK
Jigoku Shojo form must be active.
AOE 850
Blast interval 1s
Cooldown 120/110/100
1st blast=ATK*7*SKILL_LEVEL dmg
2nd blast=ATK*9*SKILL_LEVEL dmg and all enemies in area receive movement speed -30%
3rd blast=13*ATK dmg
Mark dps=ATK: dps done by the fire the mark is made of
1st blast=1260 dmg
2nd blast=1620 dmg and all enemies in area receive movement speed -30%
3rd blast=2340 dmg
Mark dps=180: dps done by the fire the mark is made of
BTW I think that the full blast of a ultimate should be deadly but avoidable but I will nerf it if it is overpowered.
TooltipsCan't be interrupted
Aoe Ultimate
1st blast: spell dmg
2nd blast: physical dmg
3rd blast: chaos dmg
Fire dps: spell damage
If the effect of Jigoku Shojo form should happen to run out from the moment the ultimete is cast it shall be After 1s of casting the first blast orb appears and Ai starts moving to the center of the targeted area increasing steadily in altitude from 0 to 300 over 2s,the second orb apers at the half way point of her assent(2 orbs should move at 12 and 6 o'clock) and the last orb at a height 290.the 3 orbs should move in a patern similar to war3 lighting shield. At a height of 300 the first orb is launched towards the center (it's descent should take 1s)and explodes(Cinematic: this explosion showl be a tipe of black nova ore a huge black war3 Wisp Explode ). The second orb is launched the same way 2s after the first,upon impact slow occurs. The third orb is launched 2s after the second in the same manner,after 0.5 a blast happens at the center of the orb (normal war3 Wisp Explode), the orb turns green and continues it's way down,it explodes (Cinematic: explosion huge war3 wisp explode or green version of the previous 2 orbs explosions) and the ground is covered in red flowers (Cinematic: the war3 red floers work but i'd love to see ones that lock like the ones in the anime) fore 1s after witch the disappear over 0.5s (Cinematic: they are replaced whit war3 abilities Healing Salve). As the flowers begin to disappear black fire starts to burn from the center outwards in the form of the mark that thous ho accept Ai's deal receive over 1s, the fire last 3s doing burn damage.) Cinematic:The three orbs should be black versions war3 ability Dark Summoning (the last one reverting to it's original color) about 1.5 to 2 times there original size.
prolonged until the ultimate is completely cast While casting black flames surround AI(Cinematic: war3 Buffs Liquid Fire).
I know the dmg formulas for the spells seam complicated but they r necessary if the spells r to be useful in a long game when people have 30k hp or more and the only abilities that r still worth a dam are the ones thar boost ATK or AS.(if you don't believe me play Naruto castle defense) Also I know the
Last edited by nelu_o on 9/9/2011, 7:42 pm; edited 19 times in total (Reason for editing : Upgrading)